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Frequently Asked Questions from the Net30Advisor Team

Help Center

Frequently Asked Questions from the Net30Advisor Team

  • I can't find a company?

    Although we have millions of companies in our database, some very small or new businesses could be missing.  If this is the case, please add them with our Create a Company Page.

  • What if a company is listed twice?

    Sometimes a company might have multiple addresses or locations.  In this case, use the location you performed business.  Contact us here and we will combine the two locations.

  • Can more than one account claim a company?

    Only one account can claim a company.  

  • I want to change the account that has claimed our business.

    You can have the original account unclaim the business.  This will allow for a new account to claim the business.

  • How do I unfollow a company?

    Find the company you have followed.  An "unfollow" link in the profile will allow you to drop the company from your followed list.